About PerfCompare ----------------- PerfCompare is designed to help you micro-benchmark small snippets of C# code. The most effective performance improvements come under the guidance of a Profiler. Once you've identified a bottleneck, PerfCompare's Performance testing helps you quickly test and compare ideas. When you want to dig a little deeper, PerfCompare's ILDasm integration helps you see exactly how the compiler translates your C# code into MSIL. Finally, PerfCompare's history management features help you easily track, compare, and export your performance tests. Feature Highlights ------------------ - Supports compiler parameters (ie: /unsafe, /reference, etc.) via the "Additional Compiler Parameters" text box - Supports "advanced edit." This gives you complete control over the code in test, provided you follow the guidance of the comments at the top of the template. - "Export to Clipboard" allows you to export tab-delimited history data into the clipboard. Paste into Excel for further data analysis. - "Restore Values to Form" allows you to restore the settings from a test run back throughout the application. - "Compare" allows you to compare the results of 2 selected runs. 05/18/2004 ---------- Initial implementation complete. Feature highlights: - Enter code in the "Code" tab. - Click on the "ILDasm Result" tab to see ILDasm output. - Test the performance on the "Performance" tab. - History tab auto-updates with results of performance runs. FAQ --- Q: I'd like to use a different ILDasm.exe. How do I change that path? A: Delete the registry key, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\PerfCompare\ILDasmPath Q: I accidentally turned off update notification. How do I turn it back on? A: Delete the registry key, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\PerfCompare\CheckForUpdatesOnLoad Q: How do I test unsafe code? A: In the "Code" tab, add the compiler parameter, "/unsafe" Q: How do I reference other assemblies? A: In the "Code" tab, add the compiler parameter, "/r:[the assembly]" For example, "/r:System.Windows.Forms.dll" Q: How do I add some setup or teardown code that executes outside of the loop? A: In the "Code" tab, enable "Advanced Edit" Q: How do I add more 'using' statements? A: In the "Code" tab, enable "Advanced Edit" Contact Information ------------------- Do you have questions? Comments? Bugs? Feature requests? If so, email me at perfcompare@leeholmes.com.