Another Benefit of Monad's WinFX Membership -- SDK Documentation

Tue, Aug 30, 2005 One-minute read

As Adam and I mentioned before, Monad is now available in very public beta via the WinFX installer.

As Adam mentions in his post, “It’s not installed by default (due to a last-minute setup integration problem), so you have to go to the Start menu, choose `“All Programs`”, then `“Microsoft Windows SDK`”, then `“Install Windows Command Shell`”. That runs our standard installer (the same one you get from betaplace).” [Those back-ticks are my first Monad inside joke!]

Anyhow, part of the fun of SDK membership is SDK Documentation.  Feel free to browse our Getting Started Guide, our Conceptual Overview, or even our (mostly incomplete) API Documentation.

Of course, you can also do site-specific searches from search engines to help you glean the content quicker: MSH format-table .

(The equivalent MSN Search returns no results, sorry… )

[Edit: Monad has now been renamed to Windows PowerShell. This script or discussion may require slight adjustments before it applies directly to newer builds.]