PowerShell Cryptography Library

Mon, Oct 19, 2009 5-minute read

When playing with cryptography challenges (don’t we all?,) you end up leaning on a bunch of common tasks. For example, substituting all text in a string with a set of replacements (substitution ciphers,) XORing strings together, applying dictionary-based algorithms, investigating word frequency, and more.

PowerShell lends itself really well to these challenges, and I’ve developed a small cryptography library along the way. Here it is. Your job, as a cryptographer, is to uncover the hidden comments :) (Hint: don’t spend very long. Some problems are unbreakable.)

For example, here’s the script I used (interactively) to solve an “XOR Cipher” at http://cryptolib.com/challenges.php.

$cipherHex1 = @"
$cipherHex2 = @"

$words = @{}
Get-Content dictfull.txt | % { $words[$_] = $true }

## Turn the cipher text into a single string
$cipherText1 = $cipherHex1 -replace "`r`n",""
$cipherText2 = $cipherHex2 -replace "`r`n",""

## Convert hex to decimal
$cipherBytes1 = $cipherText1 -split '(..)' | ? { $_ } | % { [Convert]::ToInt32($_, 16) }
$cipherBytes2 = $cipherText2 -split "(..)" | ? { $_ } | % { [Convert]::ToInt32($_, 16) }

## Drop the key by XORing the two cipher texts together
$plainTextCombined = XORBytes $cipherBytes1[0..19] $cipherBytes2[0..19]

## Initialize the key
$key = ,0x20*20

## First break comes by scanning through the entire dictionary, guessing the
## first word of one plaintext, then seeing if that corresponds to a key that makes
## the second plaintext look reasonable
$output = $(foreach($word in $words.GetEnumerator() | % { $_.Key })
    $testString = XORBytes $plainTextCombined[0..($word.Length - 1)] ($word.ToCharArray())
    (-join [char[]]$testString) + " : $word"

## Output the list to a file, then clean the file to include only alpha-numeric
## characters.
$output > first_word.txt
$alphaOnly = gc first_word.txt | select-string '^[a-zA-Z ]+ : .*$'
$alphaOnly > first_word_alpha.txt

## The first break comes from seeing that "healed dr" corresponds to "operation".
## Make a guess of that as the first 9 elements of the key.
ey[0],$key[1],$key[2],$key[3],$key[4],$key[5],$key[6],$key[7],$key[8] = XORBytes ("healed dr".ToCharArray()) $cipherBytes1[0..8]

## These other magic values come from looking at the output and making educated guesses
$key[9],$key[10] = XORBytes ("se".ToCharArray()) $cipherBytes1[49..50]
$key[11],$key[12],$key[13] = XORBytes ("ion".ToCharArray()) $cipherBytes2[91..93]
$key[14],$key[15],$key[16] = XORBytes ("gs ".ToCharArray()) $cipherBytes1[74..76]
$key[17],$key[18],$key[19] = XORBytes ("Fit".ToCharArray()) $cipherBytes2[37..39]

## Display the currently-guessed plain texts alongside eachother,
## including the key and index into the cipher text.
for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $cipherBytes2.Count; $counter++)
    $keyChar = $key[$counter % 20]
    "{0} {1} {2} {3}" -f $counter,([char] $keyChar),([char] ($cipherBytes1[$counter] -bxor $keyChar)),([char] ($cipherBytes2[$counter] -bxor $keyChar))

-join [char[]] (XORBytes $key $cipherBytes1)
-join [char[]] (XORBytes $key $cipherBytes2)
-join [char[]] $key

And the library:

unction Get-SubstitutedText($cipherText, $substitutions)
    $content = $(foreach($char in [char[]] $cipherText)
    -join $content
function XORBytes($passwordBytes, $cipherBytes2)
    $combinedBytes = @()
    for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $cipherBytes2.Length; $counter++)
        $combinedBytes += $passwordBytes[$counter % $passwordBytes.Length] -bxor $cipherBytes2[$counter]

function Search-DictionaryForWord($pattern, $floating)
    if(-not $floating) { $pattern = "^$pattern`$" }
    Select-String $pattern wordlist.txt

function Search-DictionaryForPattern($pattern, $floating)
    $substituted = ""
    $toFind = ""
    if(-not $floating) { $toFind += "^" }
    foreach($char in $pattern.ToLower().ToCharArray())
        if($char -eq ".")
            $toFind += "."
        $subIndex = $substituted.IndexOf($char)
        if($subIndex -ge 0)
            $toFind += "\" + ($subIndex + 1)
            if(-not $substituted)
                $toFind += "(.)"
                $toFind += "([^$substituted])"
            $substituted += $char
    if(-not $floating) { $toFind += '$' }
    Write-Verbose $toFind
    Select-String $toFind wordlist.txt

function Measure-LetterFrequency($cipherText)
    $frequentLetters = " etnoriasfindhdlcumwfgypbvkjxqz"

    "`nLetter Frequencies:`n"
    $groups = [char[]] $cipherText.ToLower() | group | Sort -Desc Count

    $groupNumber = 0
    $(foreach($group in $groups)
        $group | Select Name,
                Name = "Replacement";
                Expression = { $frequentLetters[$groupNumber] } },
                Name = "Percent";
                Expression = { "{0:..%}" -f ($_.Count / $cipherText.Length) } }
    }) | ft -auto | out-string | % { $_.Trim() }

function Measure-BigraphFrequency($cipherText)
    $frequentBigraphs = "th","he","an","in","er","on","re",
    $cipherText = $cipherText -replace " ",""
    $cipherText = $cipherText -replace "\W",""

    "`nBigraph Frequencies:`n"
    $groups = 
        @(($cipherText -split '(..)') +
          ($cipherText.Remove(0,1) -split '(..)')) |
          ? { $_.Trim().Length -eq 2 } | group | Sort -Desc Count

    $groupNumber = 0
    $(foreach($group in $groups)
        $group | Select Name,
                Name = "Replacement";
                Expression = { $frequentBigraphs[$groupNumber] } },
    }) | ft -auto | out-string | % { $_.Trim() }

function Measure-DoubleLetterFrequency($cipherText)
    $frequentDoubles = "ss","ee","tt","ff","ll","mm","oo"
    "`nDouble Frequencies:`n"
    $groups = [Regex]::Matches($cipherText, '(.)\1') | % { $_.Value } |
        group | Sort -Desc Count

    $groupNumber = 0
    $(foreach($group in $groups)
        $group | Select Name,
                Name = "Replacement";
                Expression = { $frequentDoubles[$groupNumber] } },
    }) | ft -auto | out-string | % { $_.Trim() }
    "`nOther groups:"
    "$($frequentDoubles[$groupNumber..($frequentDoubles.Length - 1)])"

function Measure-InitialFrequency($cipherText)
    $frequentInitialLetters = "toawbcdsfmrhiyeglnoujk"

    "`nInitial letters:`n"
    $groups = -split $cipherText.ToLower() | % { ([char[]] $_)[< /span>0] } | group | Sort -Desc Count

    $groupNumber = 0
    $(foreach($group in $groups)
        $group | Select Name,
                Name = "Replacement";
                Expression = { $frequentInitialLetters[$groupNumber] } },
                Name = "Percent";
                Expression = { "{0:..%}" -f ($_.Count / $groups.Count) } }
    }) | ft -auto | out-string | % { $_.Trim() }

function combo($string)
    if($string.Length -eq 2)
        $string[-1] + $string[0]
        foreach($element in $string.ToCharArray())
            combo ($string -replace $element,'') | foreach { $element + $_ }
            combo ($string -replace $element,'') | foreach { $_ }