PowerShell's -EQ Operator: Reference Equality vs Value Equality

Wed, Dec 5, 2007 2-minute read

A question recently came up asking why the -eq operator doesn’t work for two different (but equal) SecureStrings.

By default, almost all environments (the .NET Framework included) test if two things are exactly the same – that they are stored in the same place in memory. This is called reference equality.

PS:14 > $test = Read-Host -AsSecureString

PS:15 > [Object]::ReferenceEquals($test, $test)

PS:16 > $test -eq $test

That’s not usually what people want, so each individual type of object is (optionally) responsible for supporting a value-based equality test. They do this by implementing interfaces (software contracts) called IComparable and / or IEquatable:

PS:17 > $string1 = "Test"

PS:18 > $string2 = "Test"

PS:19 > [Object]::ReferenceEquals($string1, $string2)

PS:20 > [String].GetInterfaces()

IsPublic IsSerial Name
-------- -------- ----
True     False    IComparable        <<<<<<<<<
True     False    ICloneable
True     False    IConvertible
True     False    IComparable`1      <<<<<<<<<
True     False    IEnumerable`1
True     False    IEnumerable
True     False    IEquatable`1       <<<<<<<<<
PS:21 > $string1 -eq $string2

The implementors of the SecureString class have chosen to not implement these contracts, so PowerShell supports only reference equality on these types:

PS:30 > [System.Security.SecureString].GetInterfaces()

IsPublic IsSerial Name
-------- -------- ----
True     False    IDisposable

PS:31 > $test1 = Read-Host -AsSecureString

PS:32 > $test2 = Read-Host -AsSecureString

PS:33 > $test1 -eq $test2